Is semi-direct product uniquely defined


The definition of a semi-direct product is:

Let $H, N$ be 2 groups, $\alpha:H\longrightarrow Aut(N)$ be a homomorphism and $\cdot :H\times N\longrightarrow N$, $n\cdot h=\alpha(h)(n)$ be the corresponding action, then $*:(N\times H)\times (N\times H)\longrightarrow N\times H$ where $(n_{1},h_{1})*(n_{2},h_{2})=(n_{1}(\alpha(h_{1})(n_{2})), h_{1}h_{2})$ is the associative binary operation such that $(N\times H, *, (e_{N}, e_{H}))$ is group. It is the semi-direct product, denoted as $N\rtimes_{\alpha}H$.

My question: Since $\alpha$ is not explicitly defined here, does this mean that $\alpha$ is not unique? So the semi-direct product of two groups is also not uniquely defined?

Best Answer

The semi-direct product involves more than just two groups - it also requires, as you've correctly noticed, a group homomorphism.

And indeed, two different group homomorphisms may give us different semi-direct products, even non isomorphic semi-direct products. To see that note that the the trivial $\alpha(x)=id$ homomorphism gives us the standard direct product. You now just have to pick an example which is not a direct product. For example there are non-abelian semi-direct products of two abelian groups, e.g. there is a non-abelian semi-direct product of $\mathbb{Z}_8$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2$. In fact there are 4 non-isomorphic groups of order $16$, and each one is a semi-direct product of $\mathbb{Z}_8$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2$ (including the direct product).