Is quantifier domain tied to predicate argument

discrete mathematicspredicate-logicquantifiers

I have trouble understanding the domains of predicate quantifiers.

P(x) =“x knows calculus”.

Domain for x is all rabbits.

$ \forall x\neg P(x) $

To me it seems like for all rabbits no all rabbits knows calculus. Which makes no sense. So if I were to provide an actual value for the predicate P(pygmy rabbit) the statement would not make sense. So the actual x is merely the domain I suppose.

If we were to make something that could actually provide some different outcomes based on the inputs

P(x) =“x is a mammal”.

Domain for x a set of animals

$ \forall x P(x) $

let x be $\{ Rabbit, Human, Whale \}$

$ \forall x P(x) \equiv true$

The above observations leads me to believe that the predicate variable has to be presented as an argument inside of the predicate, I would like for someone to clarify this for me

Best Answer

A One variable predicate of the form $ P(x) $ is a sentence, not a proposition, which depends on $ x $. The parameter $ x $ lies in a certain set $ E $. To become a proposition, we must either specify the value of $ x $, or use quantifiers.

Example :

$$E=\Bbb R\;\; P(x)\;:\; x>3$$

$x>3$ is not a proposition.

If $ x=2 $, $ P(x) $ is a false proposition.

$(\forall x\in \Bbb R) \; P(x)$ is a false proposition.

$(\exists x\in \Bbb R)\;:\; P(x)$ is a true proposition.

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