Is not first order axiomatizable


I have the following question: ¿Being a: connected graph, Archimedean field, characteristic field 0, well order, is not definable first order?, if the answer were true we would have to show that there is no first order $\varphi$ statement (in proper language) such that $\mathfrak{A}⊨\varphi$ if and only if $\mathfrak{A}$ is connected graph, characteristic field 0, etc. I need help to prove or disprove this question.

Best Answer

The case of well-orders is a good example of this this kind of argument usually runs. Let $LO$ be the theory of linear orders, $(c_i)_{i\in\omega}$ be a new set of constants and for each $i\in\omega$ let $\varphi_i$ be the sentence in $c_i<\ldots <c_{1}<c_0$ in the expanded language.

If there were a sentence $\psi$ that a structure satisfied exactly when it's a well-order, then $(\omega,<)$, for example, would satisfy it; but we can also interpret any finite number of the $\varphi_i$ in $(\omega,<)$, which means that $LO\cup\{\psi\}\cup\{\varphi_i:i\in\omega\}$ is satisfiable, so there's a model $M$ of this theory.

But notice that $M$ cannot be well-founded on account of there being an infinite strictly decreasing sequence through the ordering. Yet it must satisfy $\psi$, a contradiction; so there is no such $\psi$.

The other examples work similarly; you use compactness to show that there is a structure in which your special property (well-foundedness, connectedness, being archimedean) fails, but which still satisfies all the same sentences as some structure which does satisfy that property.

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