Is Mysior’s example completely Hausdorff


In the article

Mysior, A., A regular space which is not completely regular, Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 81, 652-653 (1981). ZBL0451.54019.

there is an example of the space that is regular, but not completely regular. Such spaces can be completely Hausdorff (space, where any two points can be separated by a continuous function) and can not be. I am interested in whether the space from the article is completely Hausdorff or not, and how to prove it.

Best Answer

Yes, $X$ is completely Hausdorff. There are two nontrivial cases: separating two points of $\mathbb{R}\times\{0\}$ and separating a point of $\mathbb{R}\times\{0\}$ and $a$. For both of these cases, observe that for any $x\in\mathbb{R}$ the set $U_x=\{(x,0)\}\cup I_x\cup I_x'$ is clopen in $X$. Thus the characteristic function of $U_x$ is continuous and separates $(x,0)$ from every other point of $\mathbb{R}\times\{0\}$ and from $a$.