Is : $ \mathrm{Gal} \ : \ F/ \mathbb{Q} \to \mathrm{Gal} (F / \mathbb{Q} ) $ represented by $ \overline{ \mathbb{Q} } $


Let : $ \ \mathrm{Gal} : F/ \mathbb{Q} \to \mathrm{Gal} (F / \mathbb{Q} ) $ be the functor, which associate to a Galois extension $ F/ \mathbb{Q} $ of the field $ \mathbb{Q} $, the Galois group $ \mathrm{Gal} ( F/ \mathbb{Q} ) $.

Is the functor : $ \mathrm{Gal} \ : \ F/ \mathbb{Q} \to \mathrm{Gal} (F / \mathbb{Q} ) $ represented by the object $ \overline{ \mathbb{Q} } $ which is the algebraic closure of the field $ \mathbb{Q} $ ?.

If it is not the case, which functor is represented by the object : $ \overline{ \mathbb{Q} } $ ?

Thanks in advance for you help.

Best Answer

As said in the comments by Sofie Verbeek, if $F/\Bbb Q \to Gal(F/\Bbb Q)$ was representable it would be a functor on the form $F/\Bbb Q \mapsto Hom(F, F_0)$ for some fixed field $F_0$.

We assume that such $F_0$ exists, let $F$ be a field with bigger cardinality than $F_0$, we see now that $Gal(F/\Bbb Q) = \emptyset$, a contradiction.

Tautologically, the functor $F \to Hom(F, \overline{\Bbb Q})$ represents the functor $F \mapsto \{\text{embedding $\sigma : F \to \overline{\Bbb Q}$}\}$.

Edit : This answer is wrong but I can't delete it because it was accepted by the OP. So please moderators if you see this answer I would appreciate if you can delete it.

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