Is locally compact space Hausdorff


In this proof of the statement that proper maps to locally compact spaces are closed, the fact that compact subspaces of Hausdorff spaces are closed is used. However, is it true that locally compact spaces are Hausdorff?

Best Answer

The discussion on local compactness on its Wikipedia page is quite relevant to this question. It discusses the three common non-equivalent (in general spaces) definitional variants of local compactness, and notes that these are all equivalent for Hausdorff ($T_2$) spaces, and this is part of the reason that Hausdorffness and local compactness are often assumed together (the property behaves better wrt operations and the combination implies Tychonoff (completely regular), and the Alexandroff compactification (one-point compactification) is better behaved, among others..)

The definition of the OP (in the link) is definition variant $2''$: every point has a local base of relatively compact neighbourhoods.

The Alexandroff compactification of $\Bbb Q$ is an example of a $T_1$ space that is locally compact in senses $1$ and $2$ (so also loc. compact according to the OP, as $2''$ is equivalent to $2$) but not Hausdorff. That example answers the title's question.