Is it true that $\text{proj}_{U+W}=\text{proj}_U+\text{proj}_W-\text{proj}_{U\cap W}$

linear algebralinear-transformationsorthogonalityorthonormal

Let $V$ be a finitely generated real inner product space with $\dim V=n$ and inner product $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle:V\times V\to\mathbb{R}$.

Let $U,W\subseteq V$ be sub-spaces of $V$. Is it true that we have
$$\text{proj}_{U+W}=\text{proj}_U+\text{proj}_W-\text{proj}_{U\cap W}$$
(where $\text{proj}_X:V\to V$ is the orthogonal projection onto the sub-space $X$)? After some attempts and some web searches, I was unable to find any information regarding this.

I want to say this is true. Let $\mathbf{u}=\{u_1,\dots,u_m\}$ be an orthonormal basis of $U$ and $\mathbf{w}=\{w_1,\dots,w_k\}$ be an orthonormal basis of $W$. Either $U$ and $W$ intersect trivially or they don't. If they do intersect trivially, then we are done, since $\mathbf{u}\cup\mathbf{w}=\{u_1,\dots,u_m,w_1,\dots,w_k\}$ is a basis for $U+W$ and we can orthonormalize it using Grahm-Schmidt to get an orthonormal basis $\{u_1,\dots,u_m,w_1',\dots,w_k'\}$ for $U+W$. In this case its clear that $$\text{proj}_{U+W}=\text{proj}_U+\text{proj}_W$$ since $\text{proj}_{U\cap W}$ is identically the zero operator on $V$.

Having some trouble in the more general case where the sub-spaces don't intersect trivially, mainly with notation and how to go about finding an orthogonal/orthonormal basis of $U\cap W$.

Maybe there is a better way to approach this problem or some better notation and someone may be able to offer some insight.

As of Jyrki Lahtonen's counter example, the claim is false. Still open to new answers/perspectives and possibly some conditions which would allow for this to happen, if there are any.

Best Answer

The claim is false as stated. Proffering a counterexample.

Let $V=\Bbb{R}^2$ with the usual inner product. Let $U=\{(x,0)\mid x\in\Bbb{R}\}$ be the $x$-axis. Let $w=\{(t,t)\mid t\in\Bbb{R}\}$ be the line with slope one. Then $U+W=V$ and $U\cap W=\{0\}$.

Consider the vector $\vec{x}=(3,1)$. Its projection to $U$ is $p_U(\vec{x})=(3,0)$. Its projection to $W$ is $p_W(\vec{x})=(2,2)$. Of course, its projection to $U\cap W$ is the zero vector and its projection to $V$ is itself.

But $\vec{x}\neq p_U(\vec{x})+p_W(\vec{x}).$

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