Is it true that $\left\{\frac{m^2}{n!}:m,n\in\mathbb{N}\right\}=\mathbb{Q}^{+}$

elementary-number-theoryelementary-set-theorynumber theory

Is it true that

$$\left\{\frac{m^2}{n!}:m,n\in\mathbb{N}\right\}=\mathbb{Q}^{+} \tag{1}$$

My intuition comes from the fact that $m$ and $n$-increases $m^2=p_1^{2e_1} p_2^{2e_2}…p_s^{2e_s}$ where $p_1,…,p_s$ are the first $s$ primes and $n!=q_1^{f_1} q_2^{f_2}\cdot\cdot\cdot q_r^{f_r}$ where $q_1,…,q_r$ are the first $r$ primes

The following answer already shows:



$$\left\{\frac{m^2}{n!}:m,n\in\mathbb{N}\right\}=\left\{\frac{p_1^{2e_1} p_2^{2e_2}…p_s^{2e_s}}{q_1^{f_1} q_2^{f_2}\cdot\cdot\cdot q_r^{f_r}}:e_1,…,e_r,f_1,…,f_r\in\mathbb{N}\right\}$$

and each element in $2e_{1},…,2e_r$ is relatively prime to each element in $f_{1},…,f_{r}$

We can assume that

$$\left\{\frac{m^2}{n!}:m,n\in\mathbb{N}\right\}=\mathbb{Q}^{+} \tag{1}$$

holds true.

If this is correct can we generalize this to:


Where $p\in\mathbb{Z}$

Is this also true?

Best Answer

By Bertrand, there is always a prime $p$ which divides $n!$ exactly once. Hence for every rational of the form $\frac {m^2}{n!}$ there must be a prime which divides either the numerator or the denominator an odd number of times. Thus you can't get every rational this way.

As a concrete example, $\frac 14$ can not be written as $\frac {m^k}{n!}$ for any $m,k,n\in \mathbb N$ with $k≥2$. Note that it is easy to see that $n$ would have to be $>2$ But then we can use Bertrand to produce a prime $p$ between $\frac n2$ and $n$ and such $p$ would have to divide either the numerator or the denominator of $\frac 14$, which is clearly not possible.

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