Is it true that if $f:X\rightarrow Y$ and $g:Y\rightarrow X$ such that $g∘f=I_X,~~f\circ g=I_y$ then $f,g$ must be one-one and onto (i.e. bijective)


Is it true that if $f:X\rightarrow Y$ and $g:Y\rightarrow X$ such that $g\circ f=I_X,~~f\circ g=I_y$ then $f,g$ must be one-one and onto (i.e. bijective)?

Claim. Yes.

Proof. Since $g(f(x))=x \implies g\circ f$ is injective. As if $g\circ f(a)=g\circ f(c)\implies a=c.$
Now, if $f(x)=f(y)\implies g\circ f(x)=g\circ f(y)\implies x=y\implies f$ is injective.
Also, since $g$ is covering every element in $X$ ( just simply take $f(x)$ in $g$). Hence $g$ is surjective.

Similarly with $f(g(x))=x\implies f \text{ is surjective}, g \text{ is injective}$, which impiles $f,g$ are bijective functions and hence $|X|=|Y|$.

Can someone check it? I am not sure that the above is correct.

Best Answer

Yes, your proof is correct.

As a matter of style, don't use the $\implies$ symbol liberally to connect statements in a proof. Use english words instead.

When you say $A\implies B$ it means "if $A$ is true then $B$ is true". When students use it in a proof they usually want to say "$A$ is true so $B$ is true too". But this is stronger!

As a guideline, the $\implies$ symbol should be reserved to a properly quantified and self-contained mathematical statement, as in $$ \text{for all } f : X\to Y, g : Y \to X, \, g\circ f = I_X \implies g \text{ onto and } f \text{ one to one}. $$

A good exemple of that in your proof is the following : "as if, $g\circ f(a)=g\circ f(c)\implies a=c.$"

This you can keep, provided you fix the typo (as in instead of as if) and quantify it with "for all $a,c\in X$".

But the other implies shoud be either discarded or replaced by "then" or synonyms.

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