Is it possible to tile the hat polykite with smaller copies of itself

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsgeometrytiling

The recently discovered monotyle known as the hat is a polykite that tiles the plane aperiodically. A tiling looks like this:

                                                            enter image description here

I wonder whether it is possible to tile this 13-edge hat-shaped figure with smaller copies of itself. These copies may be rotated any number of degrees, and flipped. I suppose there are two variants of this question:

  1. Can the hat polykite be tiled with a finite amount of smaller copies of itself that are each of the same size? If so, how many smaller copies are required?
  2. If not, is it possible to tile the hat with a finite amount of smaller copies of itself that are of different sizes? If so, how many different sizes are needed, and how many copies of each size ought to be used?

Best Answer

No, it is impossible, even allowing different sized hats.

Every internal angle of the hat has a measure of at least $90^\circ$, and there are exactly four right angles, marked A, B, C, and D in the image below. There needs to be some smaller hat which covers the vertex of angle D. Because the smallest angle is $90^\circ$, the point of smaller tile over vertex D must be one of the vertices A, B, C, or D. However, A, B, and C are impossible, because each of these angles have a neighboring reflex angle which measures greater than $180^\circ$, which would force the smaller hat to just out of the larger hat. Therefore, the smaller hat would have to have its D vertex aligned with the D vertex of the large tile. But this creates a different problem; since both of the angles next to D measure $120^\circ$, the smaller hat tile at D would create a $180^\circ-120^\circ=60^\circ$ angle in the leftover space, and the hat has no angle small enough to fit inside a $60^\circ$ angle. Therefore, there is no way to tile a hat with smaller hats.