Is it possible to produce a field with three operations


A Field $F$ is defined such that:

  • There is a first operation, say $+$ (addition), that is closed, associative and commutative over $F$, and has an identity element $0 \in F$ and an inverse element $-x \in F$ for each $x \in F$ (that is, $(F, +)$ is a commutative group);
  • There is a second operation, say $\cdot$ (multiplication), that is closed, associative and commutative over $F \setminus \{0\}$, and has an identity element $1 \in F \setminus \{0\}$ and an inverse $1/x \in F \setminus \{0\}$ for each $x \in F \setminus \{0\}$ (that is, $(F\setminus \{0\}, \cdot)$ is a commutative group);
  • The second operation distributes over the first operation.

My question is this:

Is it possible to define a third operation, say $*$, for $F$ such that $(F\setminus \{0,1\}, *)$, is a commutative group and $*$ distributes over multiplication?

In other words, is it possible to have $(F, +, \cdot, *)$ where both $(F,+, \cdot)$ and $(F\setminus \{0\},\cdot, *)$ are fields?

My gut feeling is no.
In all fields I am familiar with $(\mathbb{Q,R,C,Z}_p)$, the multiplication is provably equivalent to that field's analytic continuation of iterated addition, but the analytic continuation of iterated multiplication (that is, exponentiation) is provably not a commutative group operation on $(F \setminus \{0,1\})$ (and catastrophically so, it fails on all counts! It's not even well-defined!)
However, the coincidence that multiplication is equivalent to iterated addition feels like just that, a coincidence, as the definition of field makes no claims about the relation between the two operations other than the distributive property.
Is my gut feeling correct, or am I right to be skeptical?

Best Answer

Among finite fields with characteristic $\neq 2$, David's example is unique. Specifically:

Suppose $F$ is a finite field with char $F\neq 2$ which has an extra operation $\ast$ as described by the OP. Then $F = \mathbb{Z}_3$ with $a\ast b = \min\{a,b\}$.

Proof: Suppose $F$ a finite field of characteristic $\neq 2$. Then $-1\neq 1\in F$. However, $(-1)\cdot (-1) =1$. Thus, the field $(F- \ \{0\}, \cdot, \ast)$ is characteristic $2$, so $|F -\{0\}| = 2^n$ for some $n \geq 1$.

On the other hand, the multiplicative group of a finite field is cyclic (see, e.g. this MSE question). Since the fields whose additive structure is cyclic are exactly the prime fields, we deduce that $n = 1$.

Thus, in this case, $|F| = 3$. This already implies that $F = \mathbb{Z}_3$. It remains to compute $\ast$.

We know that $\ast$ must have the property that $2\ast 2 = 2$ since $\ast$ maps $F -\{0,1\}$ to itself, and we also know that $1\ast 1 = 1$ because it's the additive identity of the field ($F-\{0\}, \cdot, \ast).$

Next, we see that \begin{align*} 2 &= 2\ast 2\\ &= 2\ast(1\cdot 2)\\ &= (2\ast 1) \cdot (2\ast 2)\\ &= (2\ast 1) \cdot 2,\end{align*} so $2 = (2\ast 1) \cdot 2$, so $2\ast 1 = 1$. Thus, $2\ast 1 = \min \{1,2\}$.

Likewise, \begin{align*}2\ast 0 &= 2\ast(0\cdot 2)\\ &= (2\ast 0) \cdot (2\ast 2)\\&= (2\ast 0)\cdot 2.\end{align*} If $2\ast 0\neq 0$, we can divide by it to learn $2 = 1$, which is absurd, so $2\ast 0 = 0 $. That is, $2\ast 0 = \min\{0,2\}$.

Moreover, \begin{align*} 1\ast 0 &= (2\cdot 2)\ast 0\\ &= (2\ast 0) \cdot (2\ast 0)\\ &= 0.\end{align*}

Finally, \begin{align*} 0\ast 0 &= 0\ast (0\cdot 1)\\ &= (0\ast 0)\cdot (0\ast 1)\\ &= 0,\end{align*} so $0\ast 0 = \min\{0,0\}$.

Thus, $a\ast b = \min\{a,b\}$ in all cases. $\square$

What about lonza's examples?

Suppose $F_{2^n}$ is a finite field of characteristic $2$ which supports an operation $\ast$ as described by the OP. Then $2^n - 1$ is a Mersenne prime.

(I am not claiming lonza's operation $\ast$ is unique. I have no idea.)

Proof: Suppose $F_{2^n}$ is a finite field with $2^n$ elements. If $n = 1$, (i.e., $|F| = 2$), then $F-\{0,1\}$ is the empty set, so $(F-\{0,1\},\ast)$ doesn't form a group since it doesn't have an identity. Thus, we may assume $n\geq 2$.

Now, $F-\{0\}$ is again the underlying space of a field, so $|F-\{0\}| = p^m$ for some prime $p$. Thus, $p^m + 1 = 2^n$, so $1 = 2^n - p^m$.

By Mihalescu's Theorem, there is no solution to $2^n - p^m = 1$ with $m > 1$, so $m = 1$. Thus, $2^n - 1 = p$ is a Mersenne prime. $\square$

Finally, what about infinite fields?

No infinite field $F$ supports such an operation $\ast$.

Proof: As Geoffrey notes in his answer, $F$ must have characteristic $0$, so it contains a copy of $\mathbb{Q}$. Further, since $-1\neq 1$ and $(-1)^2 = 1$, $F-\{0\}$ must be characteristic $2$. This means that $a\cdot a = 1$ for any $a\in F - \{0\}$. But this is false when $a=2\in \mathbb{Q}-\{0\}\subseteq F-\{0\}.$

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