Is it possible to find the angle of depression/elevation of a 4-equilateral triangle faces and 1 square base pyramid


I want to find out about the angle $\angle PdS$ of a square-based pyramid with four equilateral triangle faces, but I am limited by my knowledge of trigonometry and I would like to know if is even possible to solve for it. If it is possible to find out the angle of elevation/depression of a four-faced equilateral triangle pyramid, how do I apply the concept for $n$-faced equilateral triangle pyramid?

Here is what I have so far.

Sketch of the problem

Best Answer

Yes, it is definitely possible! :-)

Let assume the length of all sides is $a$. Then the diagonals of the base square are of length $a\sqrt{2}$. Thus, in the rectangular triangle $PDS$ we have $|DP|=a\sqrt{2}/2$ and cathedus $|DS|=a$. Using the definition of the cosine we deduct:

$\cos(\angle PDS)=|DP|/|DS|=\sqrt{2}/2$ which leads to $\angle PDS=45°$.

However there is a much nicer solution. If you look carefully, you find that the triangle $BDP$ has exactly the same sides as $BDA$. Thus their angles are identical and the solution is already there.