Is it possible to construct a 3D equivalent of Gabriel’s Horn in a higher dimensional space


Gabriel's Horn has the interesting property that it is an infinite surface area bound within a finite volume.

I was wondering if there was an extension of this to 3D space in a higher dimensional space, specifically an infinite volume contained within a finite "hyper-volume" (is that a thing)?

More specifically, I'm looking for something that, in layman's terms, would be appropriate to describe as an infinite volume contained within a finite hyper volume, that like Gabriel's horn, could itself be a part of an infinite higher dimensional hyper volume.

Bonus points for showing a way to include an infinite 3D volume itself bounded "finitely" in another infinite 3D volume, even if you need to "fold" it somehow with an extra dimension, or showing that it can't be done.

By "finitely" bounded, I explain with the following example:

Assume I have an infinite 2D sheet, now I cut out some finite circle in that sheet and join it to the mouth of a Gabriel's horn (obviously this requires the addition of a 3rd dimension). Now I have an ant walk on that sheet. The ant can walk infinitely in any direction since the sheet is infinite, but it can also walk around the opening to the Gabriel's horn. If the ant walks inside the circle, it now has another "infinite" space to explore on the inside of the Horn, but the horn itself is in effect "contained" within the infinite sheet.

In this sense it has circumvented an "infinity" by simply walking around it, but you have the case of one infinity bound in a finite space within another infinity.

Essentially what I'm looking for is a 3D equivalent of this, where our ant is a human in 3D space who can infinitely explore one space, and then by passing through our "hole" explore another infinite space, but both spaces are joined in a finite manner, so the human could just as soon go "around" the other infinity.

(As an aside, yes I'm aware this starts looking a lot like black holes and event horizons, but no, I'm not asking the question for anything to do with black holes)

Best Answer

The same approach as Gabriel's horn works, but we have two axes to revolve in, not just one. We imagine a function $f(x)$ with domain $[0,\infty)$ and revolve it around $x$. Each segment from $(x,0)$ to $(x,f(x))$ becomes a ball of radius $f(x)$. That ball has volume $\frac 43\pi(f(x))^3$ and surface $4\pi(f(x))^2$. The $4-$volume of the whole thing is $$\int_0^\infty\frac 43\pi(f(x))^3dx$$ and the $3-$volume of the boundary, which is like the surface area, is $$\int_0^\infty4\pi(f(x))^2dx$$ We want the first to be finite while the second is infinite. If we let $f(x)$ be $x^{-1/2}$ the second diverges logarithmically while the first is the integral of $x^{-3/2}$, which is finite. The contrast with the $3$ dimensionals case is the exponent in the volume integral is $3$ instead of $2$ and the exponent in the boundary integral is $2$ instead of $1$.

In $n$ dimensions the volume integral will have an exponent $n-1$ and the boundary integral $n-2$ If we make $f(x)=x^{\frac 1{n-2}}$ the boundary integral will diverge while the volume integral will converge. We can make the exponent on $f(x)$ anything up to but not including $\frac 1{n-1}$ and get the behavior we desire.