Is it okay to say that a function that’s non-continuous at a point is continuous on its domain


I was watching a video on the main continuity theorem, and the following slide came up:

enter image description here

Even though $f(x) = \sin \frac{1}{x}$ is not continuous at $x = 0$, we could still say it is continuous, or continuous on its domain, correct? Since its domain doesn't include $x = 0$.

Best Answer


An example illustrating this for an isolated point is $$f(x)=\sqrt{x^4-x^2}$$ which has domain $(-\infty,-1] \cup \{0\} \cup [1, \infty)$.

This $f(x)$ is continuous on its domain according to the definition of continuity, even at the isolated point $x=0$, as there are no other points near enough to $0$ to demonstrate discontinuity

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