Is it “legal” to switch $\forall x$ with $\forall s\forall t$


In the book The Foundations of Mathematics by Kenneth Kunen, in a chapter about set theory formalizations, the following first order logic sentence is provided (referred to as the Axiom of Comprehension/Separation Schema):

$\forall z \Big (\exists y \color{red}{\forall x} \big ( \color{red}{x} \in y \leftrightarrow x \in z \land \varphi(\color{red}{x}) \big ) \Big )$. I have colored in $\color{red}{\text{red}}$ the variable that I will be focusing on for the remainder of this question.

Consider the following two sets:

$A = \{ x \in \mathbb N \ |\ x \lt 5\}$.

$B = \{ \langle s, t \rangle \in \mathbb N \times \mathbb N \ |\ s \lt 5 \land t\lt 4 \}$

Now, let's say I wanted to look at set $A$ and confirm that it exists through the perspective of the Axiom of Comprehension Schema:

$\exists y \forall x (x \in y \ \leftrightarrow \ x \in \mathbb N \land x \lt 5)$ where $\varphi(x):= x \lt 5$. Cool. Set A exists.

To confirm set $B$'s existence, however, I run into an issue when it comes to inserting the predicate $\varphi$:

$\exists y \forall x (x \in y \ \leftrightarrow \ x \in \mathbb N \times \mathbb N \ \land \text{something} )$

I use the phrase "$\text {something}$" because "$\varphi (x)$" does not appear to decompose correctly into a statement about two variables…i.e. $\varphi(x)$ cannot be used to represent "$s \lt 5 \land t \lt 4$" because $s$ and $t$ are not necessarily equal, and therefore do not represent one object $x$.

A quick fix seems to be to switch $\forall x$ with $\forall s \forall t$ in order to generate the following statement:

$\exists y \forall s \forall t (\langle s,t \rangle \in y \ \leftrightarrow \ \langle s,t \rangle \in \mathbb N \times \mathbb N \ \land s \lt 5 \land t \lt 4 )$

I am uncertain why this is something that is allowed. Specifically, this seems to suggest that $\forall x \ \varphi(x)$ is 'semantically' (regular English definition) equivalent to $\forall s \forall t \ \varphi (s,t)$.

From what I understand about first order logic, $\forall x \ \varphi (x)$ essentially means "For all singular objects in the domain of discourse, the following sentence about a singular object is true". Comparatively, I interpret $\forall s \forall t \ \varphi(s,t)$ as saying "For any two objects in the domain of discourse, the following sentence is true about two objects".

Is the syntax "$\ s,t\ $" a singular object in the domain of discourse? It doesn't strike me as one…hence my confusion.

Any input is greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Best Answer

You use the projection functions - or rather, the projection relations. These are the binary relations $\pi_0(x,y)$ and $\pi_1(x,y)$, which we read as "$x$ is an ordered pair with left coordinate $y$" and "$x$ is an ordered pair with right coordinate $y$." Note that the expression "$u=\langle v,w\rangle$" is really shorthand for "$\pi_0(u,v)\wedge\pi_1(u,w)$."

Writing out the projection relations in terms of $\in$ alone is a good exercise. Once you've done this, you can produce $B$ by applying Separation to the formula

$$\varphi(x)\equiv \forall s,t(\pi_0(x,s)\wedge \pi_1(x,t)\rightarrow s<5\wedge t<4).$$

Separation applied to this formula, with "container set" $z=\mathbb{N}\times \mathbb{N}$, says that there is a set $B$ consisting of exactly those $a$ which are elements of $z$ and which satisfy $\varphi$ - and this $B$ is precisely what we want.

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