Set Theory – Does an Infinite Set Always Have a Proper Subset Equal in Cardinality to Itself?


In Paul R. Halmos's book "Naive Set Theory," in the latter part of section 13 related to arithmetic, there is a definition for a finite set: a set is finite if there is a bijection between it and a natural number $n$. It is proven in the same section that every natural number $n$ cannot be bijected with any proper subset of it. Additionally, it is demonstrated, concerning the set of natural numbers ($\omega$), that there exists a proper subset that bijects with it; in other words, a part of it equals the whole. This led me to intuitively infer that every infinite set must have a proper subset that bijects with it; otherwise, it is a finite set. Please, is there a proof for this assertion?

Best Answer

I assume that your definition of an infinite set is that it's not in a bijection with a natural number.

Let $X$ be your infinite set. Let $F$ be a mapping from nonempty subsets of $X$ to elements of that subset, i.e. $F(Y) \in Y$.

By induction, define the sequence $a_n$: $$a_n = F(X - \{a_0, \ldots, a_{n-1}\})$$

And now define $g: X \to X$:

$g(a_n) = a_{n+1}$

$g(x) = x$ for other $x$.

$g$ is a bijection from $X$ to a proper subset of itself, namely $X - \{a_0\}$

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