Is is possible to manually solve $10x = 1 – (1+x)^{-12}$ with a simple calculator only


Context: although I'm not a mathematician, I'm a curious software engineer which remember high school Math and had my time with calculus at college.

I'm trying to manually calculate the amortization rate of a loan (so really none of the fields i now something about). given that I've already deduced the amortization formula, i was given a problem like this:

principal = U\$$1000$, monthly payment = U\$$100$, $12$ monthly payments in total. What is the monthly rate of this loan?

I've ended at this:
$$10x = 1 – (1+x)^{-12}$$

from all possible roots, there's a single positive real root ~0.0292 that matches the solution (the loan monthly rate should be 2.92% per month, so this is right towards the correct answer).

my problem is: if i had to solve this with pen and paper without any computer to aid me (like wolfram alpha or any online solver), how should i manipulate this to get that $0.0292$ root? is this possible?

Best Answer

Another way to look at the problem that might make the following answer make a little more sense is to instead try to find roots to the polynomial


We will need to be careful to omit the value $-1$ from consideration as the function you have given is not defined at $x=-1$.

In general, polynomials of degree $d\ge 5$ are not solvable, i.e. there is no clean way to write out all their roots in terms of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or taking $n^{th}-$roots of rational numbers. While there are specific cases where an algorithm exists, since your given polynomial has degree $13$, I'd be very surprised to see an algorithm to explicitly determine all the roots.

HOWEVER, if you are willing to put in a little bit of elbow grease, Newton's Method for finding roots of polynomials often offers a relatively quick way of finding values very close to being a root. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Let $x_0$ be any value, preferably one that you suspect is close to being a root.

  2. Let $x_{n+1} = x_n - \frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)}$, and repeat until satisfied.

The general idea of Newton's Method is that, looking at a very small range of inputs, the tangent line of a function at a point is a pretty good estimate of the function. Thus, for a very small range the line $$ y-f(x_0) = f'(x_0)(x-x_0) $$ is a good estimate for our polynomial $f$. A root will be where $y=0$, so we find the root of our tangent line is (after moving terms around) $$ x =x_0 -\frac{f(x_0)}{f'(x_0)} = x_1. $$ As we iterate further through the algorithm, our estimates get more and more refined.

In your particular example, using $$ f=(x+1)^{12}-10x(x+1)^{12}-1 \qquad x_0 = \frac{1}{10} $$ the first five estimates for Newtons Method are $$ x_1 = 0.0681369 \qquad x_2 = 0.0471467 \qquad x_3 = 0.0352813 \qquad x_4 = 0.0303015 \qquad x_5=0.0292729 $$

Hopefully, this helps! Thanks for the awesome question :D !!

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