Is every subgroup of infinite Boolean group finite


Definition (Boolean group): A group $(G,*)$ is said to be Boolean if every non identity element has order $2$ $i.e$ for any $a\in G,o(a)=2$, where $a\neq e$

Now I want to know that given any infinite Boolean group $(G,*)$, is it true that every proper subgroup of $G$ is finite?

I searched on internet and found that Prüffer $p$ groups are one in which every proper subgroup is finite, but are they only group with this property being infinite, but all proper subgroups are finite)?

Best Answer

Is every subgroup of infinite Boolean group finite?



$$\prod_{i=1}^\infty\Bbb Z_2.$$

The subgroup $$\prod_{i=2\\ i\text{ even}}^\infty \Bbb Z_2$$ is infinite.

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