Is every positive definite matrix also positive semidefinite

linear algebramatricespositive definitepositive-semidefinitesymmetric matrices

I am in trouble with the definitions of positive definite and positive semidefinite matrices. By definition, does the following implication hold?

$$\mbox{positive definite} \implies \mbox{positive semidefinite}$$

I guess yes. Look at the following example. Let

$$A = \begin{vmatrix}
4 &-2& 0\\
-2& 4& -2\\

It is a diagonally dominant matrix $(|a_{ii}|\geq \sum_{j\neq i}|a_{ij}|$ for all $i$), so it is semidefinite positive. But, if I compute the eigenvalues, they are all strictly positive which implies actually that it is definite positive.

My question is: everytime I find that a matrix is semidefinite positive, thus I have to use another criterion in order to try to understand if it is "less" that semidefinite positive (i.e. definite positive)? Or am I wrong with something?

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Positive definite means "All eigenvalues are greater than zero."

Positive semi-definite means "All eigenvalues are greater than or equal to zero."

The first of these implies the second.

The second does not imply the first, as the all-zero matrix shows.