Is every permutation of naturals that is convergent-invariant, a bounded permutation


Let $C$ be the set of sequences of real numbers whose associated series is convergent. I define a permutation $f$ of the naturals to be convergent-invariant if, for every sequence $a_n$ in $C$, the series of the sequence $a_{f(n)}$ converges, and to the same sum. Certainly, any permutation that moves only finitely many natural numbers is convergent-invariant. I was surprised to learn, however, that there are other convergent-invariant permutations. So, now, I define a bounded permutation to be a permutation that does not move natural numbers arbitrarily far. For example, the permutation that moves $0$ to $1$, $1$ to $0$, $2$ to $3$, $3$ to $2$, $4$ to $5$, $5$ to $4$, etc is bounded, because it does not move any natural number greater than a distance of $1$. So, my question now is, is being a bounded permutation equivalent to being a convergent-invariant permutation? If not, does either direction of the implication hold?

Best Answer

No; while bounded permutations preserve convergence, convergence-preserving permutations need not be bounded. For instance, consider the (unbounded) permutation that swaps $(1,2)$, $(4,8)$, $(16,32)$, etc., and leaves all other positions alone. This permutation preserves convergence. Proof: partial sums $\sum_{n=1}^{N}a_n$ up to $N=2-3,8-15,32-63,\ldots$ are unchanged, and any other partial sum is changed by $|a_x-a_y|$, where $x$ is the previous power of $2$ and $y$ is the next one. By the assumption that $\sum_n a_n$ converges, this difference goes to zero as $N\rightarrow\infty$. So the limit of the partial sums is the same after the permutation as it was before.