Is every harmonic polynomial a linear combination of these

harmonic functionsrepresentation-theoryrotationsspherical harmonicstensor decomposition

In $N$-dimensional space, we can show by direct calculation that the polynomial
r^{2K+N-2}\nabla_a\nabla_b\nabla_c\cdots \frac{1}{r^{N-2}}
\text{(with $K$ derivatives)}

is harmonic (annihilated by the Laplacian $\nabla^2$), where $\nabla_n$ is the partial derivative with respect to the $n$th coordinate and $r$ is the distance from the origin.

Is every homogeneous harmonic polynomial of degree $K$ a linear combination of these? If so, how do we prove this? If not, what is a counterexample?

Motive: I'm studying physics, and this seems like a much nicer way to approach the theory of spherical harmonics (just divide this polynomial by $r^K$ to get a spherical harmonic) compared to the typical physics-textbook approach using spherical coordinates, but it's not obvious to me that all spherical harmonics are linear combinations of these for an arbitrary number of dimensions $N$.

Best Answer

This is a theorem of Maxwell and Sylvester, see for example , and but, it is in 3d only.

In higher dimension, this is the object of a conjecture of Shubin, see page 10 of

Great question BTW, related to some interesting and beautiful mathematics.