Is every finite distributive lattice a finite Heyting algebra


It is known that every Heyting algebra is a distributive lattice. I was wondering if the reverse is true in the finite case. That is, every finite distributive lattice is a (finite) Heyting algebra.

I think that the answer is yes by the next reasoning, but I am not completely convinced. Take a distributive lattice $L$, then one can use Birkhoff's representation theorem to get that the ideal lattice of the poset of join-irreducible elements is isomorphic to $L$, i.e. $L \cong \mathcal{I}(\mathcal{J}(L)).$ So we can use the poset $\mathcal{J}(L)$ to construct the topology of its open sets with base $U_x=\{ y \in \mathcal{J}(L) \ \vert \ y \preceq x \}.$ Since the open sets of a topological space form a Heyting algebra, we are done. Am I missing something? Maybe there is a simpler proof…

Thank you for your time in advance!

Best Answer

An Heyting algebra is a bounded lattice $L$ such that, for every pair $a,b\in L$ there is an element $(a\Rightarrow b)\in L$ such that $$a\wedge x\leqslant b\leftrightarrow x\leqslant(a\Rightarrow b)$$In particular, you can see that $a\Rightarrow b$ is the sup of the set $$A=\{x\in L|a\wedge x\leqslant b\}$$ In the case of a finite lattice, $A=\{x_1,\cdots,x_n\}$, so there is a sup $$s=x_1\vee\cdots\vee x_n$$ to prove that $a\wedge s\leqslant b$ just use that $L$ is a distributive lattice, so $$a\wedge\bigvee_ix_i=\bigvee_ia\wedge x_i\leqslant b$$

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