Is every element in the class group is represented by a prime ideal

algebraic-number-theorydedekind-domainmaximal-and-prime-idealsnumber theoryring-theory

Let $K$ be a real quadratic number field and $\mathcal O_K$ its ring of integers. Is it known whether for each element in the class group we have a representative $\mathfrak p \subset \mathcal O_K$ which is prime?

My conjecture: It is true.

In case it's true: How to prove it?

In case it's wrong: Which is the least discriminant $D$ that serves as counter-example?

Since each ideal can be written as product of prime ideals it's clear that the prime ideals at least generate the class group. Further it's clear that the neutral element of the class group is always represented by a prime ideal since there are always inert primes (namely for $\chi_D(p)=-1$). So this implies that my conjecture is at least true for those $K$ with class number $h_K \le 3$.

Best Answer

Yes, it’s true.

Let $H/K$ be the Hilbert class field. There is a bijection $Gal(H/K) \rightarrow Cl(O_K)$ that maps the Frobenius above a prime $\mathfrak{p}$ of $K$ ($H/K$ is abelian so that element is well-defined) to the class of the prime $\mathfrak{p}$.

By Cebotarev, every element of $Gal(H/K)$ is the Frobenius of some prime (and some more but never mind), and thus every class in $Cl(O_K)$ comes from some prime.

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