Real Analysis – Is Every Continuum-Sized Dense Subset of the Irrationals Order Isomorphic to the Irrationals?


This is a strengthening of a question another user asked, here: Are irrational numbers order-isomorphic to real transcendental numbers?. In the answer to that question, it was stated that the irrationals are order-isomorphic to the transcendental reals. My question is this. Suppose $S$ is a continuum-sized subset of the set of irrational numbers, which has the property that it is everywhere dense, meaning, between any two distinct reals, there exists a real number belonging to $S$. Must $S$ be order-isomorphic to the irrationals?

Best Answer

Here's a counterexample. Start with the irrationals. Then remove all irrational numbers between $0$ and $1$. Now put back a subset of the irrationals between $0$ and $1$ that is dense and countable. The resulting set satisfies all of your hypotheses, but it has a countably infinite subinterval. No subinterval of the irrationals is countably infinite.

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