Is every continuous map from a path-connected space to itself homotopic to the identity


Let $X$ be a path-connected topological space and $f : X → X$ a continuous map.

We know that any two paths $[0, 1] → X$ are homotopic. Note that, for some path $\sigma$ in $X$, $f ∘ \sigma$ is another path in $X$. Hence, they are homotopic: $f ∘ \sigma \sim \text{id}_X ∘ \sigma$. From this, can we somehow derive that actually $f \sim \text{id}_X$?

(EDIT: Before anyone starts to argue with homology, I actually want to use this to prove that $f_* = \text{id}_{H_0(X)}$.)

Best Answer

You are trying to show that any two maps to $X$ are homotopic. The argument: we can join $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ by a path, and then move along these paths for every $x$ to create the homotopy. There are two problems: there may not be a unique path. OK, so you need to make a choice. Now, you are arguing: I can choose for every $x$, $y$ in $X$ a path from $x$ to $y$ in a continuous way. That again may not work.