Is every $1$-dimensional vector space a field


We say that every field $F$ "is" a $1$-D vector space over itself. By this we mean that if we consider the elements of $F$ as both vectors and scalars, then we get a vector space by using the addition and multiplication from $F$.

It seems just as easy to go in the other direction and interpret any $1$-D vector space as a field. But I've never seen it written that every $1$-D vector space "is" a field.


Best Answer

A $1$-dimensional vector space is not a field for the same reason that no vector space is a field. Multiplication of vectors with other vectors is not defined over vector spaces. So vector spaces are not even rings.

That said, given a $1$-D vector space $V$ over $F$ you can artificially define a multiplication function $\circ : V \times V \to V$ over $V$ thus. Since $V$ is $1$-dimensional over $F$, it is generated by a single vector $e$ of $V$. So any two vectors $x, y$ can be written uniquely as $x = \alpha \cdot e$ and $y = \beta \cdot e$ for scalars $\alpha, \beta$ (here $\cdot$ is the scalar action of $F$ on $V$).

So define $x \circ y := (\alpha \beta) \cdot e$. You can check that this is well-defined, commutative, has an identity and inverses, distributes over vector addition etc. To understand the motivation of this definition, notice that we can derive $x \circ e = e \circ x = x$ from it; so essentially what we are doing is that we are looking at the single basis element $e$ that generates $V$ as the multiplicative identity $1$ in $F$. Looked at this way, $V$ is isomorphic to $F$ itself.

However the reason we do not say a $1$-dimensional vector space $V$ is a field is because in general there is no unique way to turn some such $V$ into a field. For if $e$ generates $V$, then every (non-zero) scalar multiple of $e$ also generates $V$. Hence there are in general many different ways to define a multiplication function on $V$.

E.g. if you have the $1$-D vector space which is the line $y = x$ in $\Bbb R^2$, then you can look at it as being isomorphic to $\Bbb R$ in infinitely many ways. You can for instance get one isomorphism to $\Bbb R$ by identifying the vector $\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}$ with $1 \in \Bbb R$. Or alternatively, you can identify $\begin{bmatrix} 2 \\ 2 \end{bmatrix}$ with $1 \in \Bbb R$. Or you can identify $\begin{bmatrix} 3 \\ 3 \end{bmatrix}$ with $1 \in \Bbb R$. So on and so forth. And each such identification provides a different way to turn the line $y = x$ into a field.