Category Theory – Axiom of Replacement in ETCS


ETCS has a nice category-theoretic formulation: "well-pointed topos with a natural numbers object and axiom of choice."

I'm too new to topoi to really understand all of what's going on, but I read that ETCS is weaker than ZFC and is missing the axiom of replacement. However, ETCS+R is the same strength as ZFC.

Maybe this is really just a question about aesthetics. Is there a nice category-theoretic way to express replacement?

Best Answer

You'll likely be interested in a discussion about replacement that happened in the category theory mailing list a few years ago. You can find it here. Just grep for "replacement" and you'll get to the right area in the email chain.

In particular, you'll likely be interested in Mike Shulman's question

What I would really like to know is, can one formulate an elementary property of a topos which does allow one to reproduce the standard arguments of Replacement?

which Colin McLarty answers as follows (minor mathjax related edits are mine):

Yes, What you do is start with ETCS, and adjoin an axiom scheme of replacement.

The axiom scheme says: Suppose a formula associates to each element $x$ of a set $S$ a set we may call $Sx$ (unique up to isomorphism). Then there is some function $f:X \to S$ such that the fiber of $f$ over each element $x$ is isomorphic to $Sx$.

Lawvere's ETCS plus this axiom scheme is intertanslateable in the obvious way with ZF, preserving theorems in both directions (you may include AxCh in both ETCS and ZF, or exclude it from both).

This has been known from the earliest days of categorical set theory. My favorite early published proof was stated slightly differently, using reflection rather than replacement, but it trivially comes to the same thing.

The "early published proof" he's referring to is Gerhard Osius's Logical and Set Theoretical Tools in Elementary Topoi. Later in the same email, he mentions his own paper Exploring Categorical Structuralism as a good reference for details on replacement (rather than reflection, as discussed in Osius's paper).

Even though I copied the relevant section here, there are many other interesting tidbits about replacement and other aspects of categorical set theory that you're likely to be interested in scattered throughout that email thread (it's also linked from the nlab page on replacement, which you might also be interested in). It's definitely worth a read!

I hope this helps ^_^

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