Is an uncountable infinity necessarily “bigger” than a countable infinity


I'm not conversant in cardinality theory or set theory to formulate my question in much of a meaningful sense but I'll give it a try in hope of finding the right way to ask the question as an answer.

So, from Cantor's diagonal demonstration as well as from intuition, I'd assume that an uncountable infinity is "bigger" than a countable infinity in some sense if a framework for such comparison can exist. However, in physics, we often encounter situations in which we have the same Hilbert space spanned by two different sets of eigen bases, one of which comprises of uncountably many eigen vectors and the other of countably many. For example, the Hilbert space of a particle on a ring can be either spanned by the eigen vectors of the (angular) position operator $\phi$ or by the eigen vectors of the angular momentum operator $\partial_{\phi}$. The former set has uncountably many eigen vectors (I presume so because the eigen values are $[0,2\pi)$) whereas the latter has countably many eigen vectors (because the eigen values are integers).

Since both the sets of eigen bases span the same Hilbert space, I can't shake the intuition that none of the sets can be "bigger" than another. But this runs in contradiction with my general expectation that an uncountable infinity should be somehow "bigger" than a countable infinity.

I have a strong feeling that this confusion has to do with the sloppy way in which I'm using Hilbert spaces but I'd appreciate some help in understanding what I'm misunderstanding.

Best Answer

Clearly the group $\Bbb Z$ is generated by $\langle 1\rangle$, but also by $\langle\Bbb Z\rangle$. So from your point of view, an infinite set seems to be the same size as a singleton.

Set theory is the framework for comparing infinite sets, and in the standard context of $\sf ZFC$, uncountable implies, and in fact synonymous with, "larger than countable".

You are forgetting that the process of "spanning" here is such that the cardinality can grow larger, also because it involves taking infinite sums.