Is an algebraic extension of a separably closed field separably closed


In the book "Rational points on varieties" by Bjorn Poonen, exercise 1.1 (a) states:

"Prove that an algebraic extension of a separably closed field is
separably closed."

Is this even true?
I believe that, by definition of a separable closure, any nontrivial algebraic extension would actually be inseparable.

Also, part (c) mentions the perfect closure of the separable closure: $ (k_s)^{perf} $. However, does this always exist? Or is this question maybe just about fields where this exists? (I believe these would be fields $ k $ such that $ k_s = \bar{k} $).

Best Answer

Yes, the first statement is true. There is no contradiction with what you write: indeed, the strategy for the problem is to decompose the algebraic extension as a separable extension followed by a purely inseparable extension, note that the separable extension must be trivial, and then argue from there.

The answer to your second question is also yes: you can take the perfect closure of any field $k$. One way to do this is to embed $k$ in to an algebraic closure $\overline{k}$ and then take all the elements $x\in \overline{k}$ so that $x^{p^n}\in k$ for some $n$.

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