Is all algebraic system is monoid

algebraic-groupsdiscrete mathematicsmonoidsemigroups

Is all Algebraic system is monoid?
I cross-checked the properties of both monoid and algebraic systems. Here is what I found:

Properties of Algebraic system:
1.closure property
4.existence of identity
5.Existence of inverse

Property of monoid
2.existence of identity element.

Considering above mentioned properties I think all Algebraic systems are monoid.
But the problem is,
Questions are asked "Given an algebraic system… Check whether it's a monoid? or show that it's a monoid. Please clear my doubt!
To be clear about algebraic system and algebraic structures ,here is what I found:

An algebraic system is a system consisting of a nonempty set A and one or more n-ary operations on the set A. It is denoted by ⟨A,f1,f2,…⟩.
An algebraic structure is an algebraic system, ⟨A,f1,f2,…,R1,R2,…⟩, wherein addition to operations fi, the relations Ri are defined on A. This leads to a structure on the elements of A.
Note: My doubt is about Algebraic system (not algebraic structure) and monoids!

Best Answer


Consider a magma $(M,\ast)$, which is simply a set $M$ with a binary operation $\ast:M\times M\to M$. It needn't be associative.