Linear Algebra – Is a Vector Equal to the Vector Sum of Its Components Along Any Three Non-Coplanar Unit Vectors?

geometrylinear algebravectors

Suppose $a,b$ and $c$ are the components of a vector P along three non-coplanar unit vectors A, B and C respectively. Then, is the below equality true ?


I know that it's true if :


where $\hat{i},\hat{j},\hat{k}$ are unit vectors along $x,y$ and $z$ axis respectively. But I am not sure if this holds for any general case (like what if these unit vectors are not perpendicular etc. etc. ).


My textbook assumed the above equality true in general to solve a question which was to prove that :

$$\vec{p}\times\vec{q}=\vec{a}[a\space p\space q] +\vec{b}[b\space p\space q] +\vec{c}[c\space p \space q]. $$

where $\vec{a},\vec{b}$ and $\vec{c}$ are any three coplanar unit vectors and $[x\space y\space z]$ denotes the scalar triple product.

Here's the original :


Best Answer

Your intuition is correct: although any three non-coplanar vectors can form a basis for a three-dimensional vector space (meaning you can always write $P = aA + bB + cC$ where $A,B,C$ are the three basis vectors and $P$ is any other vector), in general, projection onto the basis vectors gives the components of a vector (the numbers $a,b,c$) only in the case of an orthonormal basis, not when the basis is any arbitrary set of non-coplanar vectors.

The argument in the book is wrong and it is not hard to find a counterexample to the "fact" that they claim to have proved.

Here is a counterexample: \begin{align} \vec a &= (1, 0, 0), \\ \vec b &= \left(\tfrac1{\sqrt2}, \tfrac1{\sqrt2}, 0\right), \\ \vec c &= \left(\tfrac1{\sqrt2}, 0, \tfrac1{\sqrt2}\right), \\ \vec p &= (2, 3, 4), \\ \vec q &= (-1, 2, 1), \\ [\vec a,\vec p,\vec q] &= -5, \\ [\vec b,\vec p,\vec q] &= -\tfrac{11}{\sqrt2}, \\ [\vec c,\vec p,\vec q] &= \sqrt2, \\ [\vec a,\vec p,\vec q] \vec a + [\vec b,\vec p,\vec q] \vec b + [\vec c,\vec p,\vec q] \vec c &= -5(1, 0, 0) + \left(-\tfrac{11}{\sqrt2}\right) \left(\tfrac1{\sqrt2}, \tfrac1{\sqrt2}, 0\right) + \sqrt2 \left(\tfrac1{\sqrt2}, 0, \tfrac1{\sqrt2}\right) \\ &= (-5, 0, 0) + \left(-\tfrac{11}{2}, -\tfrac{11}{2}, 0\right) + (1, 0, 1) \\ &= \left(-\tfrac{19}{2}, -\tfrac{11}{2}, 1\right), \end{align}

but $$ \vec p \times \vec q = (-5, -6, 7). $$

They claimed the formula always works and here is an example where it clearly doesn't.