Is a smooth function convex near a strict minimum


This is a self-answered question. I decided to ask it, since I find it natural, and the solution wasn't trivial for me. Of course, different answers are more than welcomed.

Let $f:(-1,1) \to \mathbb R$ be a smooth function. Suppose that $f$ is strictly decreasing on $(-1,0]$, and is strictly increasing on $[0,1)$

Is $f$ convex in some neighbourhood of zero?

In this answer, there is a counter-example when $0$ is not a strict minimum.

Best Answer

The idea is to "go one step" further in the chain of derivatives, and to understand what properties do we need from $f'$, in order to get an example of a non-convex function with a strict minimum.

Let $g:[0,1) \to \mathbb R$ be a smooth function satisfying

  1. $g(x) > g(0)=0$ for every $0< x < 1$
  2. $g'$ obtains negative values at points which are arbitrarily close to $0$.
  3. $g^{(k)}(0)=0$ for every $k$.

Such functions exist. Given such a function $g$, define $h:(-1,1) \to \mathbb R$ by $$ h(x)= \begin{cases} g(x), & \text{ if }\, x \ge 0\\ -g(-x), & \text{ if }\, x \le 0 \end{cases}$$

Property $(3)$ of $g$ implies that $h$ is smooth. Note that $h>0$ on $(0,1)$ and $h<0$ on $(-1,0)$.

Finally, define $f(x)=\int_0^x h(t)dt$. Then $$ f''(x)= \begin{cases} g'(x), & \text{ if }\, x \ge 0\\ g'(-x), & \text{ if }\, x \le 0 \end{cases}$$ obtains negative values arbitrarily close to $0$, by property $(2)$ of $g$.

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