Is a set of rotations and translations of the plane a group

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I'm having some trouble understanding the definition of a group of matrices given in the paper Group Equivariant Convolutional Networks.
In Section 4.2, the authors define the group p4 (of translations and rotations by multiples of $\pi/2$ around any point in the plane):

The group p4 consists of all compositions of translations
and rotations by 90 degrees about any center of rotation in
a square grid.

They then parametrize the elements of p4 as follows:

A convenient parameterization of this group
in terms of three integers r, u, v is:
\cos(r\pi / 2) & -\sin(r\pi / 2) & u \\
\sin(r\pi / 2) & \cos(r\pi / 2) & v \\
0 & 0 & 1

This set of matrices that are parametrized by (r, u, v) surely generates p4, but I'm not sure how is it a parametrization of the group (is it even closed to composition?).
To my understanding, an $(r, u, v)$-matrix will rotate by $r\pi/2$ (around zero) and then shift by $(u, v)$.

Am I misunderstanding something, or is this a mistake in the paper?

(this question applies to the group p4m in the following section 4.3 as well, where the parametrized matrices seem to define the action of the Dihedral group $D_4$ followed by a shift)

Best Answer

Yes, it is closed under composition. That is not hard to check directly. This group acts exactly as you have described on the plane $z=1$.

This comes from the standard way to express the affine group as a linear group. In general, the $n$-dimensional affine group over $k$ is $G=\operatorname{GL_n}(k)\ltimes k^n$ and it isomorphic to the linear group of matrices of the form $\begin{pmatrix}M & v\\ 0\ldots 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}$, where $M\in \operatorname{GL_n}(k)$ and $v\in k^n$. The standard action of the affine group on $k^n$ is the same as the action of the linear group on the plane $x_{n+1}=1$.

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