Is a real matrix that is both normal and diagonalizable symmetric? If so, is there a proof of this not using the spectral theorem

diagonalizationlinear algebrasymmetric matrices

Given a quadratic real matrix $A$ for which we know it is diagonalizable ($D = P^{-1}AP$ for a diagonal matrix $D$) and that it is normal ($AA^T = A^TA$), is it true that $A$ is symmetric? By the spectral theorem over $\mathbb{C}$, $A$ is orthogonally diagonalizable (say via some unitary matrix $Q$). It then seems to me that from this we should get that the eigenspaces are orthogonal and hence there must also exist a real orthonormal basis of eigenvectors. Is this last correct? From this it would then follow by the real version of the spectral theorem that $A$ is symmetric.

If it is, is there a way to prove this statement directly, without appealing to the spectral theorem? This would give a nice justification/explanation for the difference in the two spectral theorems over $\mathbb{C}$ and $\mathbb{R}$ relating it directly to whether the matrix is diagonalizable in the first place.

Best Answer

Here is a proof avoiding the spectral Theorem.

Let $\lambda _1, \lambda _2, \ldots , \lambda _k$ be the distinct eigenvalues of $A$ and let $E_1, E_2, \cdots , E_k$ be the projections onto the corresponding eigenspaces.

By seeing things from the point of view of a (not necessarily orthonormal) basis of eigenvectors, it is very very easy to prove that (don't let the long expression scare you) $$ E_i = \frac{(A-\lambda _1)\ldots \widehat{(A-\lambda _i)}\ldots (A-\lambda _k)}{(\lambda _i-\lambda _1)\ldots \widehat{(\lambda _i-\lambda _i)}\ldots (\lambda _i-\lambda _k)}, $$ where the hat means omission.

From this it is clear that each $E_i$ is also normal.

Lemma. Any normal, idempotent, real matrix is symmetric.

Proof. Let $E$ be such a matrix. We first claim that $\text{Ker}(E)=\text{Ker}(E^TE)$. To see this, observe that the inclusion $\text{Ker}(E)\subseteq \text{Ker}(E^TE)$ is evident. On the other hand, if $x\in \text{Ker}(E^TE)$, then $$ \|Ex\|^2 = \langle Ex, Ex\rangle = \langle E^TEx, x\rangle =0, $$ so $x\in \text{Ker}(E)$.

We then have that $$ \text{Ker}(E)=\text{Ker}(E^TE) =\text{Ker}(EE^T) =\text{Ker}(E^T). $$

Recalling that the range $R(A^T)$, of the transpose of a matrix $A$, coincides with $\text{Ker}(A)^\perp$, we then have that $$ R(E^T) = \text{Ker}(E)^\perp = \text{Ker}(E^T)^\perp = R(E). $$ We then see that $E$ and $E^T$ are projections sharing range and kernel, so necessarily $E=E^T$. QED

Back to the question, we then have that $$ A=\sum_{i=1}^k \lambda _kP_k, $$ so we conclude that $A$ is symmetric.

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