Is a monotone class which is closed under complements and finite disjoint unions a sigma-algebra


Let $M$ be a monotone class over a set $X$. Suppose that $M$ is:

  1. Closed under complements.
  2. Closed under finite disjoint unions.

Is it true that $M$ is a sigma-algebra?

Does anything change if we add the assumption that $M$ is closed under countable disjoint unions?

Note that there is a monotone class which is closed under complements, but not a sigma-algebra: The collection of all unbounded intervals of $\mathbb{R}$.

However, this example is not closed under finite disjoint unions.

Best Answer

No. If $M$ is too small (i.e., empty) or too large (i.e., not a set) then it is not a $\sigma$-algebra. But those are trivial cases. Here is a less pathological counterexample:

Let $X=\{1,2,3,4\}$ and $$M=\big\{\emptyset,\;\;\{1,2\},\;\;\{2,3\},\;\;\{3,4\},\;\;\{1,4\},\;\;\{1,2,3,4\}\big\}$$ Then $M$ is a monotone class closed under complements and finite disjoint unions, but not under intersections.