Is a manifold $N$ smoothly embedded in a manifold $M$ of the same dimension open in $M$


Consider a manifold smooth manifold $N$ smoothly embedded in another manifold $M$ of the same dimension. Is it true that $N$ is open in $M$? I think this is true, due to the open mapping theorem.

If so, is this also true with less regularity?

Best Answer

It is true for topological manifolds (without boundary). This is a consequence of the invariance of domain. See for example

Version of Invariance of Domain for n-manifolds

Given an embedding $f : N \to M$, each $x \in N$ has an open chart neighborhood $U$ which is mapped homeomorphically into an open chart neighborhood $V$ of $f(x)$. Both $U,V$ are homeomorphic to open subsets of $\mathbb{R}^n$, hence invariance of domain implies that $f(U)$ is open in $V$ and therefore open in $M$. Since $f(U) \subset f(N)$, we see that $f(N)$ is open in $M$.