Is a locally compact subgroup of a locally compact group closed


I encountered the following exercise in Terry's Tao book on Hilbert's fifth problem:

Let $G$ be a locally compact group and let $H$ be a subgroup of $G$. Show that $H$ is closed if and only if $H$ is locally compact.

The direction assuming that $H$ is closed I managed to prove. However I have been struggling to prove the other direction since it is not explicitly given that $G$ is Hausdorff. I've been told that the exercise is not true without assuming Hausdorff, but I wanted to be sure whether this is indeed the case.

Is the assumption of Hausdorff implict and necessary, or is the statement true in the non-Hausdorff case as well?

Best Answer

Without Hausdorff it is not true. Take any locally compact non-Hausdorff group $G$. Then $H = \{ 1_G \}$ is locally compact and non-closed.

Concrete example: Any nontrivial group $G$ with the trivial topology. This is compact and locally compact, independent from the definition of local compactness (see the discussion in Stephen's comment).

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