Is a Galois extension over $\mathbb{Q}$ always finite


Let $K$ be a Galois extensions over $\mathbb{Q}$.

Is $K$ always a splitting field of some $P\in \mathbb{Q}[X]$? in which case K would be a finite extension.

I don't know where to start. I tried to use the primitive element theorem but I can't prove there are finitely many intermediate fields.

Thanks for your help, hints.

Best Answer

There are infinite algebraic Galois extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$, simply take a splitting field $F$ of a infinite family of polinomials like $x^2-p$ where $p\in\mathbb{Z}$ is a prime. Remember that, since $\mathbb{Q}$ has characteristic zero every extension is separable, and a splitting field of a family of polynomials is normal, so is Galois.

Now, if $K$ is a splitting field of a (only one) polynomial $p(x)\in\mathbb{Q}[x]$, then $K/\mathbb{Q}$ is finite. In fact, using basic Galois Theory $[K:\mathbb{Q}]\leq n!$, where $n=\deg p(x)$.

Edit: In the last question. Using Galois theory, there are finitely many intermediate fields as there are finite subgroups.