Is a characteristic polynomial we consider in Linear Algebra a polynomial or a polynomial function

characteristic polynomialdefinitionlinear algebrapolynomials

In Linear Algebra, we consider characteristic polynomials.

Is a characteristic polynomial we consider in Linear Algebra a polynomial or a polynomial function?

I think it is a polynomial function.

I am reading "Introduction to Linear Algebra" (in Japanese) by Kazuo Matsuzaka.

In this book, the characteristic polynomial of a linear map $F$ is defined by $\det(A – \lambda I)$, where $A$ is a matrix which represents $F$.

And in this book, the author defines a determinant only for a matrix whose elements belong to a some field $K$.

If $\det(A – \lambda I)$ is a polynomial, then the elements of $A – \lambda I$ are polynomials too. But the author didn't define a determinant for a matrix whose elements are polynomials.

Best Answer

Nice question! In many cases, that distinction is irrelevant, but in some cases it matters. And, when it matters, you are not right: it is a polynomial, not a polynomial function. For instance, polynomials have degrees, whereas polynomial functions don't (for instance, over $\mathbb F_2$ the polynomial function $x\mapsto x^2+x$ is the null function, but the polynomial $x^2+x$ still has degree $2$, whereas the null polynomial still has degree $0$). And the degree of the characteristic polynomial of a $n\times n$ matrix is $n$.

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