Is a 2-rank tensor written with respect to two bases

linear algebratensors

I am an undergraduate physics student interested in math. I took an introductory linear algebra course last semester.

Consider 2-rank tensor $Q_{ij}$:

$$Q_{ij} = \begin{bmatrix}
Q_{11} & Q_{12} & Q_{13} \\
Q_{21} & Q_{22} & Q_{33} \\
Q_{31} & Q_{32} & Q_{33}

To my understanding, this tensor is written with respect to a basis. For example, consider a tensor written in Cartesian coordinates:

$$Q_{ij} = \begin{bmatrix}
Q_{xx} & Q_{xy} & Q_{xz} \\
Q_{yx} & Q_{yy} & Q_{yz} \\
Q_{zx} & Q_{zy} & Q_{zz}

The double indices (e.g. $Q_{xx}$) give me the impression that this tensor is written w.r.t two bases. Additionally, the way this particular tensor transforms also suggests that you are transforming two bases (with a matrix and its transpose).

None of this thinking is rigorous, however. So, is a 2-rank tensor written with respect to two bases?

Best Answer

A doubly covariant tensor takes as input two (conventional) vectors, and spits out a scalar. The archetypal example of this is an inner product. If we want to put numbers on how this tensor behaves, the conventional thing is to fix a basis, and feed basis vectors in all possible combinations to the tensor and record the results.

Usually, you would use the same basis for both the input vectors, because it's nicer that way. But there is no formal reason you can't use two bases. It just gets messier than it has to.

Basically the same reasoning applies to mixed covariant-contravariant tensors (i.e. conventional square matrices from linear algebra), and for doubly covariant tensors: It is much more convenient to use the same basis / corresponding dual basis than to use separate, independent bases for the two ranks of the tensor, but it can certainly be done with two independent bases if you're careful.

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