Irreducibility of exterior powers of representations of the symmetric group over finite fields


Let $V$ be the $(n-1)$-dimensional standard representation of the symmetric group $S_n$ over the finite field of order $p.$

For which triples $(n,p,k)$ is $\bigwedge^k V$ irreducible? Or for a weaker version, for which pairs $(n,p)$ is $\bigwedge^k V$ irreducible for all $0\leq k \leq n-1$?

I know that Fulton-Harris answers this in characteristic 0, but I haven't found a reference for other fields.

Best Answer

Well a first observation is that if $p \vert n$ then the $n-1$ dimensional standard representation itself is not irreducible, and this will propagate to its exterior powers.

It turns out this is the only obstruction and that if $p \not\vert n$ then indeed these are indeed irreducible. One can probably prove this directly in this case, but I'll just appeal to a general theorem:

Carter's criterion (formulated in full by James and Mathas, with the last piece proved by Fayers) gives a combinatorial condition for which Specht modules $S^\lambda$ remain irreducible in characteristic $p$. I won't state it in full, but it involves looking at the $p$-valuations of the hook lengths. In the case of hook shape partitions the condition degenerates into just looking at whether $p$-divides the corner hook length or not.

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