Irrational integral $ \int \frac{1+\sqrt{x^2+3x}}{2-\sqrt{x^2+3x}}\, dx$


I have to solve this irrational integral $$ \int \frac{1+\sqrt{x^2+3x}}{2-\sqrt{x^2+3x}}\, dx$$
It seems that the most convenient way to operate is doing the substitution

$$ x= \frac{t^2}{3-2t}$$
according to the rule,

obtaining the integral:
$$ \int \frac{2 t^4-16t^3+36t^2-18t}{(t-2)(t+3)(3-2t)^2}\, dx$$

Then $$\frac{2 t^4-16t^3+36t^2-18t}{(t-2)(t+3)(3-2t)^2}= \frac{A}{t-2}+\frac{B}{t+3}+\frac{C}{3-2t}+\frac{D}{(3-2t)^2}$$

then I found the coefficient $A= \frac{12}{5},B= -\frac{12}{5}, C= \frac{15}{2},D= -\frac{9}{2}$

In my book the integral on which to operate is:

$$ \int -2\frac{(t^2-3t)(3+t-t^2)}{(t^2-7t+6)(3-2t)^2}\, dx$$
that is different from my
$$ \int \frac{2 t^4-16t^3+36t^2-18t}{(t-2)(t+3)(3-2t)^2}\, dx$$

Perhaps I made mistakes in the first passages and I checked lots of times my calculations. Can someone indicate where I'm making mistakes?

Best Answer

Note that the substitution $x=\frac{t^2}{3-2t}$ leads to

$ \sqrt{x^2+3x}=\frac{3t-t^2}{3-2t}, \>\>\>\>\> dx = -\frac{2(t^2-3t)}{(3-2t)^2}dt $


$\int \frac{1+\sqrt{x^2+3x}}{2-\sqrt{x^2+3x}}dx = -\int \frac{1+\frac{3t-t^2}{3-2t}}{2-\frac{3t-t^2}{3-2t}}\, \frac{2(t^2-3t)}{(3-2t)^2}dt = -\int \frac{3+t-t^2}{t^2-7t+6}\, \frac{2(t^2-3t)}{(3-2t)^2}dt $

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