Invoking Continuum Hypothesis to prove the cardinality of a set


To elaborate on the title, let me give an example.
Suppose I want to show that a certain $S$ has cardinality $\mathfrak{c}$.
For the sake of concreteness, suppose that $S = (0, 1) \subset \mathbb{R}$.
Is the following a valid proof?

  • I show that $|S| > \aleph_0$ by some argument. (Assume that I've done this correctly.)
  • Also, it is easy to see that $|S| \le \mathfrak{c}.$
  • Now, I know that the Continuum Hypothesis is independent ZF(C). What I have is an explicitly constructed set $S$. Thus, $|S|$ cannot be strictly between $\aleph_0$ and $\mathfrak{c}$. Ergo, $|S| = \mathfrak{c}.$
  • (Otherwise, I would have an explicit construction that would disprove CH.)
  • Thus, I have completed the proof without actually assuming CH but just the fact that it's independent of ZF(C).

On the same lines as this, what about the following proof which uses independence of choice from ZF?
I want to carry out the following proof without use of choice.
Consider $A = \mathbb{R}^\mathbb{R}$, $B = \{f \in A:f \text{ is continuous}\}$, and $C = \{f \in A:f \text{ is discontinuous}\}$.
I want to show that $|C| = 2^\mathfrak{c}$.
Is the following correct?

  • I show that $|A|=2^\mathfrak{c},$ this is doable without choice.
  • I show that $|B| = \mathfrak{c} < 2^\mathfrak{c}$, again, without choice.
  • It is clear that $|C| \le |A| = 2^\mathfrak{c}$.
  • Now, I have $B \cup C = A$. If $|C| < 2^\mathfrak{c}$, then we would have that $A$ is an infinite set which is the union of two sets of strictly smaller cardinality.
  • Now, if we assume choice, then the above cannot happen. However, we have an explicit (constructive) example of these sets. So, if this were a counterexample, this construction would carry over in ZF+C as well.
  • Thus, $|C| = 2^\mathfrak{c}$, without assuming choice.

One thing which I am implicitly assuming is that the cardinality of $|C|$ (resp. $|S|$) doesn't depend on whether or not I assume choice (resp. CH). Once again, my justification is that cardinality of these explicitly constructed sets should not depend on things like choice and CH, which are independent of ZF.
Of course, one more thing I'm assuming is that ZF is consistent.

Best Answer

Your logic is wrong.

You are conflating truth and provability. While working in a given model of $\sf ZFC$ either $\sf CH$ is true or it's false, but one of them must be the case. Even if you don't know which one.

There are sets of reals that we can perfectly define, and their cardinality is either $\aleph_0$ or $\aleph_1$, regardless to the cardinality of the continuum, and so they may serve as a counterexample to the Continuum Hypothesis in some models and not in others.

In the case of $\sf AC$ your solution is entirely wrong. It is consistent without $\sf AC$ that every set which cannot be well-ordered is the union of two sets of smaller cardinality, and that in addition $\Bbb R$ cannot be well-ordered (so its power set cannot either).

Nevertheless, the two propositions that you're stating are true.

  1. In the case of $(0,1)$ we can define a bijection from $\Bbb R$ into $(0,1)$ (for example $x\mapsto 1/e^x$). Or we can define an injection from $\mathcal P(\Bbb N)$ into $(0,1)$.

  2. In the case of discontinuous functions, we can either define an injection from $\mathcal P(\Bbb R)$ into the set. Or we can appeal to an abstract theorem: If $|A|=|A|+|A|$, and $B\subseteq\mathcal P(A)$ such that $|A|=|B|$, then $|\mathcal P(A)|=|\mathcal P(A)\setminus B|$. The proof is not trivial, and you can find it elsewhere on this very site.

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