Linear Algebra – Invertibility in Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces

hilbert-spacesinverselinear algebra

Suppose the operator $A$ acts on an infinite dimensional Hilbert space and has the property that $A^\dagger A = 1$. Can such an operator not be invertible? For a finite dimensional Hilbert space, applying the determinate to $A^\dagger A = 1$ easily reveals invertibility, but I do not think I can apply the determinant logic in the infinite-dimensional case. If there are such operators that are not invertible, what are some examples?

Best Answer

Yes, it can happen. The canonical example is the unilateral shift. For instance take $H=\ell^2(\mathbb N)$, and put $$ Ax=(0,x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots). $$ It is straightforward to see that $A$ is an isometry, which immediately implies that $A^\dagger A=1$. But $A$ is not surjective. With just a tiny more work, one can see that $$ AA^\dagger x=(0,x_2,x_3,\ldots). $$ Such an operator can be defined in any separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, by fixing an orthonormal basis $\{e_n\}$ and defining $A$ as the linear operator that satisfies $Ae_n=e_{n+1}$ for all $n$.

As mentioned by David, the Wold Decomposition guarantees that the only counterexamples are versions of this one.

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