Invert double integral

definite integralsintegration

I'm trying to reverse the order of integration of the following double integral:
$$\int _0^2\int _x^{2x}x^2dydx$$
I am aware that it is not possible to invert all double integrals, but my teacher told me this one can be inverted. I believe he is wrong but I want to make sure about that. I would highly appreciate if anyone can help me with this.

Best Answer

The region of integration is a triangle. Crudely drawn here:


To reverse the order, $y$ would run from $0$ to $4$.

Within that, $x$ would at first run from $y/2$ to $y$. But halfway up, $x$ would start running from $y/2$ to $2$. Most people would break up the integral in two: $$\int_{y=0}^2\int_{x=y/2}^y+\int_{y=2}^4\int_{x=y/2}^2$$

You could express it as a single integral like $$\int_{y=0}^4\int_{x=y/2}^{f(y)}$$ where $f$ is a piecewise function that changes behavior at $y=2$. $$f(y)=\begin{cases}y/2&y\leq2\\2&y>2\end{cases}$$ You can be "clever" and find this way to express the same function $$f(y)=\frac{y+2-|y-2|}{2}$$ So you have $$\int_{y=0}^4\int_{x=y/2}^{\frac{y+2-|y-2|}{2}}$$

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