Inverse of a skew-symmetric matrix

inverselinear algebramatrices

For $a, x, y, z \in \mathbb R$, let $$M= \left(
\cos(a) & \sin(a) \, x & \sin(a)\, y & \sin(a) \, z \\
-\sin(a) \, x & \cos(a) & \sin(a) \,z & -\sin(a)\, y \\
-\sin(a) \, y & -\sin(a) \, z & \cos(a) & \sin(a) \, x \\
-\sin(a) \, z & \sin(a) \, y & -\sin(a)\, x & \cos(a)

Without doing much calculation, why the matrix $M-I_4$ is invertible and why its inverse is given $$(M-I_4)^{-1}=\,\frac{-1}{2} I_{4} – \frac{\cot(\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2} )}{2\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}} A,$$
where $A$ is the skew-symmetric matrix given by
0 & x & y & z \\
-x & 0 & z & -y \\
-y & -z & 0 & x \\
-z & y & -x & 0

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

Here's an approach which is relatively light on computation.

As in the comments, we observe that $A^2 = -(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)I$. It follows that any rational function of $A$ can be written in the form $p I + q A$ for some $p,q$. In other words, there necessarily exist numbers $p,q$ such that $$ (M-I)^{-1} = ([\cos(a) - 1]I + \sin(a)A)^{-1} = p I + q A $$ Now, expand the product $(M-I)(pI + qA),$ and solve for the $p$ and $q$ that cause this product to equal $I$. In particular, we have $$ (M - I)(pI + qA) = ([\cos(a) - 1]I + \sin(a)A)(pI + qA)\\ = p(\cos(a) - 1)I + (q[\cos(a) - 1] + p\sin(a))A + \sin(a)qA^2\\ = \left[p(\cos(a) - 1) - \sin(a)(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)q \right]I + \left[q(\cos(a) - 1) + p\sin(a)\right]A. $$ Thus, it suffices to find $p,q$ that solve the system of equations $$ \begin{array}{ccccccc} (\cos(a) - 1) &p &- &\sin(a)(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)&q &= &1\\ \sin(a) &p &+ &(\cos(a) - 1)&q &= &0. \end{array} $$ Solving this system yields $$ p = \frac{1 - \cos(a)}{D}, \quad q = \frac{\sin(a)}{D} $$ where $D$ is the determinant of the coefficient matrix of this system, that is $$ D = \sin^2(a)(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) + (\cos(a) - 1)^2. $$ I see no general way of simplifying the resulting expression.