Inverse Galois Problem and Generic Polynomial


In the Wikipedia, the section of Inverse Galois Theory mentions following:

There also are groups known not to have generic polynomials, such as the cyclic group of order 8.

If we look $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{41})$, its Galois group over $\mathbb{Q}$ is cyclic of order $40$; if $H$ is its subgroup of order $5$, then its fixed-field will be extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ of degree $8$, with cyclic Galois group of order $8$. Then, what the above statement is saying? Is it difficult to construct an irreducible polynomial over $\mathbb{Q}$ of degree $8$ with cyclic Galois group?

Best Answer

Constructing ONE polynomial whose splitting field has a specific group as its Galois group is usual Inverse Galois Problem. That is possible for any cyclic group. And there exist infinitely many extensions with $C_8$ as Galois group: take any prime number $p$ of the form $8n+1$, then the $p$ cyclotomic extension has a degree 8 cyclic Galois extension. Generic Polynomial means ALLL these extension to be described through a ONE polynomial in many variables as the following example suggests:

Now look at the polynomial $x^2-y\in \mathbf{Q}[x,y]$ in two variables over rationals. Now any extension of Q with Galois group $C_2$ is obtained by giving special values for the variable y as a square-free integer. This two variable polynomial is called generic for $C_2$. What is claimed is there is no generic polynomial (multi-variable) where specialising values for the extra variables lead to EVERY possible one variable polynomial with $C_8$ as Galois group.