Intuitively, why aren’t all points in a circle covered in an Apollonian gasket


An Apollonian gasket is a figured formed by taking three mutually tangent circles, forming their Soddy circles, then recursively adding more circles by grabbing three circles and adding their Soddy circles. Here's an example:

enter image description here

I've read online that not all points in the enclosing outer circle are covered by the circles that make up the Apollonian gasket, though the set of uncovered points has measure zero. While I trust that this is indeed the case, I'm having trouble articulating a coherent intuitive argument that explains

  1. why not all points are covered in the Apollonian gasket, but
  2. why all points would be covered in other limiting self-similar tilings.

For example, consider the following way of tiling a square: subdivide the square into four congruent, smaller squares. Merge three of those squares into an L-shaped figure. Then recursively subdivide the remaining smaller square in the same way. That's shown here:

Subdividing a square using L-shaped figures

This process will eventually cover every point in the original square.

Is there an intuitive explanation for why Apollonian gaskets fail to cover every point in the outer circle while other sorts of tilings do eventually fill all of space?

Best Answer

Why aren't all points are covered in the Apollonian gasket?

The question asks for intuition—my goal here is not to make things overly rigorous. Let's look at how the image in the original might have been put together. First, we might start by removing three closed disks from the original disk:[1]

enter image description here

Note that when these closed disks are removed, what remains of the original circle is divided into four non-empty open sets. In the next step, remove a closed disk from each of these open sets.

enter image description here

Each of the three original open sets is now subdivided into three smaller non-empty open sets. Indeed, at the $n$-th step of this process, the part of the original disk which has not been removed will consists of some number of non-empty open sets. To get to the $(n+1)$-st step, we remove a closed disk from each one of those open sets, which leaves $3$ new non-empty open sets.

Roughly speaking, then, every time a disk is removed, three "new" regions are created, each of which must eventually be removed if this scheme is going to eventually remove the entire circle. From an intuitive point of view, this can never happen—gaps are being created faster than they can be covered.

I will note that this isn't an entirely rigorous intuition, but the general idea can be made rigorous in this situation.

Why are all points covered in other limiting self-similar tilings?

They aren't.

In general, if you are trying to cover a set with other sets in a way that leaves "gaps" at every step, you will never completely cover the set. There will always be gaps. For example, in the covering of the square by L-shaped regions, the point in the upper-left corner is never covered.

[1] I created the images here by modifying the image from the original question.

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