Intuitively, what does being a UFD have to do with line bundles/first homology


In this question I asked for geometric clarification of the fact $\mathbb R[x,y,z]/ \left\langle x^2+y^2+z^2 -1 \right\rangle$ is a UFD in contrast to $\mathbb R[x,y]/ \left\langle x^2+y^2 -1 \right\rangle$.

The answer pointed to connections to the class group, and then the Picard group and therefore line bundles.

That's all great, but I would like naive geometric intuition as to why non-unique factorizations hint at non-trivial line bundles/first homology. First instance the circle has two distinct factorizations $$y\cdot y=y^2\equiv_{\mathbb S^1}1-x^2=(1+x)(1-x)$$ but I don't understand what this non-uniqueness is saying geometrically.

What's the picture here?

Best Answer

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but the equivalence of $y^2$ and $(1 - x)(1 + x)$ for $\mathbf{S}^1$ says that you can look at the divisor $D = 2((1,0) + (-1,0))$ in two ways:

  1. By intersecting the lines $x = \pm 1$ with the circle (the lines are tangent so the intersection has multiplicity $2$)

  2. By intersecting the line $y = 0$ with the circle. The points above are doubled so really we want the doubled line $y^2 = 0$.

So we have $D = \mathcal{V}(y^2) = \mathcal{V}((1-x)(1+x))$.

Also notice that every principal divisor $\mathcal{V}(f)$ on $\mathbf{S}^1$ has even degree. For example, every line intersects the circle in two distinct points or one doubled point (a tangential intersection). This classifies the principal divisors (i.e. every even degree divisor is principal).

So ${\rm Cl}(\mathbf S^1) = \mathbf Z/2$. The problem here, is somehow we want to be able to break our divisor $D$ up into 4 parts, not just two. That is, if $(1,0) = \mathcal{V}(f)$ and $(-1,0) = \mathcal{V}(g)$ then we could say

$$ \mathcal{V}(y) = \mathcal{V}(fg), \mathcal{V}(1-x) = \mathcal{V}(f^2), \mathcal{V}(1 + x) = \mathcal{V}(g^2) $$

Which would give us $y^2 = (fg)^2$ and $(1 - x)(1 + x) = (f^2)(g^2)$ (up to a constant) so that $y^2$ and $(1 - x)(1 + x)$ represent the same factorization. But $(1,0)$ and $(-1,0)$ are not principal divisors so we don't get this.

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