Intuition on Changing Order of Summations



I have trouble understanding the change of order of this summation. I know that

however, I can't seem to make sense of this even with manually comparing each sum of both double summations.

In the left side, we always have the sums: $$
S_1=f(1,1)+\dots f(1,\infty)

S_2=f(2,2)+\dots f(2,\infty)


so the total sum

S=\sum S_n

looks like summing each element of an $N\text{x}N$ matrix as $N\to\infty$

In the right side, we have the sums:


S_2=f(1,2) + f(2,2)

S_3=f(1,3)+f(2,3) + f(3,3)


The total sum $S$ looks like summing the top-right to bottom-left entries of a "pyramid" structure, which looks like the earlier matrix but deformed and slanted. However, I do not want to just assume that this is the case since I am working with infinite sums.

Is there a better intuition on how changing order of summations work so that I may extend it to more difficult scenarios particularly in the proof of the convolution property of Z transforms.

Best Answer

The change of summation work much like you are trying to loop over some $N\times N$ matrix (in your case you take $N\to\infty$). You can go by looking at each rows and within each columns or change it and go by looking at columns and each rows.

In your example lets say $i$ is the row and $j$ is the column index.

The right hand side:
$\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}$ means that you are looking through all row and $\sum_{j=i}^{\infty}$ means that you are looking for elements below the diagonal(row is already set by $i$ so the column identifies the element $(i, j)$).

The left hand side:
$\sum_{j=1}^{\infty}$ means that you are looking through all columns and $\sum_{i=1}^{j}$ means again that you are (again) looking for elements below the diagonal(now the column is already set by $j$ so the row identifies the element $(i, j)$).

You could prove that it works for any $N\times N$ matrix by induction.

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